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Скачать с ютуб Prank Your Friends at a Sleepover | LIFE HACKS FOR KIDS в хорошем качестве

Prank Your Friends at a Sleepover | LIFE HACKS FOR KIDS 4 года назад

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Prank Your Friends at a Sleepover | LIFE HACKS FOR KIDS

You won't want to be the first one to fall asleep with these hilarious Sleepover Prank Hacks! Follow Jordyn on Instagram! @jordyncuret_ Expert life hacker Jordyn shows you how to make cool stuff out of ordinary things you have at home. Want to create a harmonica with popsicle sticks? Turn a t-shirt into a tote bag? Make a lantern out of a sports drink? Jordyn will teach you how! → Credits ← Hosted By: Jordyn Curet Written, Directed, and Produced by: Jeannie Roshar Production Designer: Clara Diaz Director of Photography: Daniel Gomez Camera Operator: Zachary Heintz and Nick Novotny Still Photographer: Daniel Gomez Sound Mixer: Sean Hokarson Edited by: Dustin Hahn Studio Teacher: Kelly Shea Production Assistant: Amy Beyer & Sydney Ray Created by: Jeannie Roshar and Gary Anthony Williams "Life Hacks" Theme Song Written by: Sunny Keller Produced by: Daisy Wall Executive Producer: Judy Meyers
