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How Moist Esports took the ALGS London LAN by STORM

Moist Esports... a team owned by Charlie aka moistcr1tikal, comprised of Australian players Wxltzy, Emtee, and Prycyy. At the ALGS London LAN, their first in-person event as a trio, they managed to pull off a massive 6th place performance. From an unsigned team that captured the hearts of fans around the globe in Raleigh to one of the best teams in the world... in this video we walk through how they managed to achieve the peaks that they did and what prevented them from winning it all. SIDE NOTE: Had some random recording issues with audio which led certain parts to be a bit choppy and my mic sounds a bit different in this video. I was too far gone to correct it, would've basically had to restart the whole editing process so in the words of Wxltzy F IT WE BALL. I will try to fix it next game though :) Follow me on Twitter:   / ayejhawk   Twitch:   / ayejhawk   Music: Fuze Music Pack (from Apex Legends) CHAPTERS: 0:00 Intro 2:20 How Moist got signed 3:50 Becoming the Kings of APAC South 4:28 Heading to the London LAN 5:16 Foundation 8:26 Winners Bracket 25:20 The Finals - Huge Win 32:33 What Went Wrong? 40:47 Outro #moistesports #moist #algs
