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Скачать с ютуб Will David be fooled by John's COMEDY MAGIC? | Unforgettable Audition | Britain's Got Talent в хорошем качестве

Will David be fooled by John's COMEDY MAGIC? | Unforgettable Audition | Britain's Got Talent 2 года назад

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Will David be fooled by John's COMEDY MAGIC? | Unforgettable Audition | Britain's Got Talent

He's here to face his fears and make it BIG! But as David is brought to the stage, can the loveable John Archer pull of this cheeky trick? Get ready to giggle as we watch his Unforgettable Audition... See more from Britain's Got Talent at SUBSCRIBE: Facebook:   / bgt   Twitter:   / bgt   Instagram:   / bgt  
