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How a Conestoga College student got Part-Time Job in Canada in 2023.

In this small video, I got to talk to an International Student from Conestoga College and he shares his experience of getting a Part-Time Job in Canada. I hope this video will be useful for you in some way or the other. Connect with me on Instagram: gursahibsingh_ca Disclaimer: Please note, I am NOT an immigration consultant. I am NOT a financial advisor. I am NOT affiliated with any government organization. Any information shared in this video is based on my own experience, opinion, and research and hence should not be considered legal advice. I assume no liability for how the information in this video is used or interpreted and hence take no responsibility for any decisions that are made with regards to your application or life based on the information shared in this video. Your commitment to your application or life is critical so please do your own research before making any kind of decision. I am just a random guy on youtube sharing my experience.
