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How Politics Hijacked Kylian Mbappé's Career 1 месяц назад

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How Politics Hijacked Kylian Mbappé's Career

From private meetings with Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, to serving as the face of Paris Saint-Germain, a club owned by the state of Qatar, Mbappé's journey as a footballer up until now has been deeply intertwined with politics. This video essay breaks down all these political dynamics, examining how they've have shaped Mbappé's career thus far and questioning whether the footballer is a pawn or player in this game of politics. SUBSCRIBE:    / @watchalexander   TWITTER:   / alexanderxg   Sources: Note: All costs, prices, and numbers have been converted to GBP for consistency. If you need the original, non-translated figures (euro, dollar, etc.), please refer to the relevant source. 0:00 Introduction 1:15 The Rise of PSG and Mbappé 2:35 Mbappé and Macron's Relationship 4:27 The Politicization of Football 5:50 The Politicization of Mbappé 7:00 Mbappé's Control and Agency Business Email: [email protected] Tags: #mbappe #realmadrid #psg
