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Things You Should Know About Lifeline | osu!

Join my Discord:   / discord   --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out Lifeline: osu! Profile: Youtube:    / lifelineosu   Twitter:   / lifelineosu   Twitch:   / lifelineos   --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a new series that I want to do on my channel so let me know if you enjoy it or not. In the first episode I talk about Lifeline, one of the best singletap players in the game and currently the Rank 2 player in osu!. (Also osu! news videos from now on will be uploaded during the weekend) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- osu! Profile: Twitter:   / sst3w_   Twitch:   / sst3w   --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Business: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #osu #osugame #lifeline Thanks for watching
