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Apex Legends New Season 16 Trailer Release Changes

Apex Legends New Season 16 Trailer Release Changes as now it appears more buffs and nerfs have been added a little bit with Mirage as his rework has now been detailed along with the upcoming Pathfinder rework. This comes on the heels of the brand new game mode of team death match on top of all the reworks coming to the game in time for brand new collection event dropping February 14th for the 4 year anniversary. Credit To Dataminers: Exomadara:   / exomadaratv   Shrugtal: Twitter:   / shrugtal   Youtube:   / shrugtal   The Gaming Merchant:    / thegamingmerchant   Kralrindo: Twitter:   / kralrindo   Youtube: Minute Updates:    / minuteupdates   Garretleaks: Twitter:   / garretleaks   Youtube:    / garretdyel   My Socials: My New Channel:    / thordannews   Valhalla Discord:  / discord   Twitter:   / thordansmash   Twitch:   / thordansmash   Instagram:   / thordansmash​​   #apexlegendsnews #apexlegendsseason16 #apexlegendstrailer
