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TOP 300 Apex Legends Funny Fail WTF Moments #1

Welcome to "TOP 300 Apex Legends Funny Fail WTF Moments". This series contains the best funny, fail, epic, wtf Apex Legends Season 17 moments submitted by our community. EPISODE 2:    • TOP 300 Apex Legends Funny Fail WTF M...   Subscribe to our new YouTube channel! @shorts-livestreammoments7265@lsmcs Hosted by AndySlaps: ►Social Media Tik Tok - Twitter - Discord - ►Want be in a video? Click to submit! Outro Song (Ellzo - Snakes & Ladders): Livestream Moments is a community where gamers/content creators can record and share their best gameplay moments using our platform. We're not a simple platform for reposting pre-existing content, but we're a creator of original videos through the use of informative commentary and transformative visually engaging edits. Livestream Moments always has the permission to use player's/creator's content. If someone submitted your content without permission, mistakes in crediting or other inquiries please contact [email protected] or direct message on Twitter.
