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Interviews with Filmmaker Shinsuke Sato and Commercial Director Kenya Tauchi.

As technology advances, it is becoming more affordable and accessible than ever before. Equipment and products that were previously associated with big enterprises and high budget firms are now available to the general population.In the competitive world of video marketing and production, it is becoming increasingly important that your video stands out from the crowd. A particular tool that can take your content creation to the next level is a green screen. At Fortay Media, we boast one of the biggest infinity green screens in the region, with over 325sq ft. of studio space. Here are some reasons why you should go green screen.Clarity – Visual explanations and learning cannot be underestimated, it allows for better comprehension and understanding, when explaining those complex processes and concepts. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAKE A SCENE We take on a more focused approach in helping clients to: Create their corporate identity on social media - a video speaks a million words Increase sales - even the ratio of one inquiry out of 20 viewers is staggering. Marketing - information delivery works better with videos . Advertisements . Social Media Short Videos . CSR Videos . Corporate Branding Videos . Start-up Videos . . Marriage Proposal Videos . Wedding Videos . Personal Video Portfolios . Event Videos . Music Videos . YouTube channel :    / kryptoniteproduction   Facebook :   / kryptoniteproduction   Email address : [email protected] Check us out at Jun : +60122230440 Genie : +60123577007
