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I drafted a football god in NFL 2K5

Get 15% off your order + FREE shipping @ In this video we play the NFL Draft in the legendary ESPN NFL 2K5 video game. Regarded as one of the best football video games of all time. We scout prospects. Look at their NFL combine numbers and then draft a god tier QB to be our franchise stud. Let's have some fun! Remember last time we played their first person football mode which was basically a VR football game, but for the playstation 2! Edited by:    / nitrodrive   Patreon:   / nottheexpert   Merch: Social Media: - Twitter:   / nottheexpertyt   - Instagram:   / nottheexprtyt   - Twitch:   / nottheexpertyt   - Discord:   / discord   - Reddit:   / nottheexpert   - Facebook:   / not-the-expert-113796817114832   Channel member:    / @nte_   FAQ: - Outro Song: For Business Inquires: [email protected]
