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Скачать с ютуб Drea & the art of aesthetic vengeance 💅 (costume & character analysis) в хорошем качестве

Drea & the art of aesthetic vengeance 💅 (costume & character analysis) 8 месяцев назад

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Drea & the art of aesthetic vengeance 💅 (costume & character analysis)

just like her outfits, Drea Torres' revenge schemes are an art ✨ i analyze the psychology of her vengeance, the manipulative tactics she uses, and how her style reflects her descent into revenge obsession. i adore the outfits in this movie and loved seeing all the nostalgic references to Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You, Clueless, etc. it was so refreshing from movies like The Kissing Booth 😖 *INCLUDES SPOILERS* if you haven't seen Do Revenge, i highly recommend doing so and coming back when you're ready ♡ timestamps: 00:00 intro 01:32 background 02:24 Drea’s revenge personality 06:28 Allegra’s revenge 09:16 Erica’s revenge 11:33 Carissa’s revenge 15:15 Max’s revenge 18:12 Eleanor’s revenge 22:53 Drea’s growth 26:23 movie review 27:37 goodnight ♡ thank you sm for watching! related Shorts: analyzing Eleanor's colour palette:    • how Eleanor’s outfits shift with her ...   analyzing Drea's colour palette:    • how Drea’s style reflects unhinged ve...   analyzing the school uniforms and Max:    • behind the elitist school uniforms in...   find more analysis on my other socials: ♡ insta:   / artatmidnight   ♡ tiktok:   / artatmidnight   ~~~References~~~ Revenge Psychology: Makeup & Costumes: Costume Designer, Alana Morshead Makeup Department Head, Ellen Arden Hair Department Head, Katie Ballard i analyze Drea Torres (Camila Mendes) from Do Revenge (Netflix, 2022). Do Revenge also stars Maya Hawke as Eleanor Cutler and Austin Abrams as Max Broussard. #VideoEssay #DoRevenge #CamilaMendes #DreaTorres
