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Top 20 Criminal Minds Episodes Based on True Events

Wait... that was real?! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most memorable “Criminal Minds” stories that were influenced by history. Our countdown includes episodes "Identity", "Omnivore", "The Perfect Storm" and more! Did you know about these real stories? Let us know in the comments below! Check out these other "Criminal Minds" videos: Top 10 Best Criminal Minds Episodes:    • Top 10 Best Criminal Minds Episodes   Top 10 Memorable Criminal Minds Villains:    • Top 10 Memorable Criminal Minds Villains   Differences Between Criminal Minds and Criminal Minds Evolution:    • Differences Between Criminal Minds an...   Become a channel member to get access to special perks:    / @watchmojo   Challenge friends and family on our multiplayer Trivia! Have your idea become a video! Subscribe for more great content! Visit our shop for awesome merch! Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news #criminalminds #truestories #crime #bau #timcurry #fbi #TV #truecrime
