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RICH vs BROKE! Funny DIY Ideas & Awkward School Moments by Crafty Panda HOW

Hey there, student Pandas! The differences between rich and broke students at school sometimes can be very hilariously obvious! Take a look at the awkward moments that these 2 groups experience! Don’t forget to stay tuned for this RICH vs BROKE video and more funny DIY ideas by Crafty Panda How! If you enjoyed this video, you might also like Funny Prank War! 7 Crazy DIY Food Pranks    • Funny Prank War! 7 Crazy DIY Food Pranks   00:00 Real Burger VS Noodles Burger 00:41 Wallet VS Piggy Bank 02:01 Old Socks Fix 03:03 Hairdressing Salon VS DIY 03:48 DIY Coffee Machine 04:38 Boiling Sausages In Kettle 05:25 Fork Shrimp Peel 06:42 Garlic Skin Removal #RichvsBroke #AwkwardMoments #CraftyPandaHow Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: Subscribe to Crafty Panda: Bubbly: Español: Deutsch: Français: Português: Pусский:    / @kaboomenergygermany   Arabic:    / @pandacreationsarabic   Hindi:    / @kaboomgohindi  
