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Dying for Weed | Drugs Map of Britain

Journalist Poppy Begum explores the underground world of medicinal cannabis in the UK, meeting seriously ill people who believe weed is curing them. But by resorting to this illegal and unregulated drug, what risks are they all taking? Watch more Drugs Map of Britain:    • Drugs Map Of Britain   -- Click here to subscribe to BBC Three: Did you know that we’re up to other things in other places too? Best of BBC Three/ Daily Drop: Twitter:   / bbcthree   Facebook:   / bbcthree   Instagram:   / bbcthree   Tumblr:   / bbcthree   iPlayer: Oh, we’re on Snapchat too - just incase you were wondering… add us, bbcthree. — This video is monetised outside of the United Kingdom by BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:
