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Prickly Situation – Munki and Trunk Season 4 #7

☆ Subscribe for more videos: Welcome to the Official Munki and Trunk Channel and the home of Munki and his best friend Trunk on YouTube! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe and turn on that notification bell! Brand new episodes EVERY week! ☆ Instagram:   / junglebeattv   ☆ Facebook:   /   ☆ Twitter:   / junglebeat   ☆ Website: Munki and Trunk find some delicious-smelling prickly pears, but they're surrounded by spiky cactuses. They try stretching their hands (and trunk) through the cactuses, pushing them apart and dangling over them, but they can't quite reach. Munki and Trunk need to use some ingenuity - and a very enthusiastic rhinoceros - to get the delicious fruit.
