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What if we had Magical Powers? + more videos | 1 год назад

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What if we had Magical Powers? + more videos |

If we had Magical Powers: People who love to eat may have their plate completely full. People who love to sleep may not get up for a long long time. Kids may fill up their rooms with toys from all around the world. People who are into body-building may get the biggest muscles of all time. People who love to play sports may get extraordinary playing abilities. Astronauts may start building extremely huge and extremely lavish rockets for themselves. Delivery guys may start using robots for delivery. Villains may make sure that they never get caught. People who love to drive fast may actually get a space-ship for themselves. Aliens may never visit planet Earth again. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we had Magical Powers? 1:32 - Why do Airplane Windows have Tiny Holes? 2:55 - What if our Bodies become Round? 4:06 - What if Our Fingernails were 100 Feet Long? 5:17 - What if we Lived inside Igloos? 6:37 - What if Sea Levels rise by 10 meters 7:58 - What if Everyone had a Drone? 9:03 - What if we had 4 Eyes? Buy AumSum Merchandise:
