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🇨🇴 Qué ver en MEDELLÍN Colombia

✅ ¿CONOCES #MEDELLÍN? En ese vídeo te hago un recorrido por la capital de #Antioquia una de las ciudades más innovadoras del mundo #Colombia 👉📸👉 ▼◦▼◦▼◦▼◦ WATCH MY TOP 5 LATAM CITY TOURS! LINKS IN THE DESCRIPTION ◦▼◦▼◦▼◦▼ S U B S C R I B E: ¡BIENVENIDOS, AMIGOS! ☺If you're new to my channel, please subscribe! I'm actively the world and uploading videos from my adventures every week / Si eres nuevo en mi canal, ¡suscríbete! Viajo alrededor del mundo y subo videos de mis aventuras cada semana. // FOLLOW ME // ✮ website: ✮ twitter:   / helloiamruben   ✮ instagram:   / helloiamruben   ✮ facebook:   / rubenyelmundo   ✮ 2nd channel:    / peterpan.  . // LINKS & INFO // #1 Cartagena City Tour -- Explore the most beautiful city of Colombia and one of the homelands of celebrated author Gabriel García Márquez: #2 San Salvador City Tour -- Explore El Salvador's capital, a picturesque city where nature and culture beautifully collide: #3 Chichen Itzá Tour -- Experience the magic and legends surrounding Mayan culture and their sacred temples: #4 Managua City Tour -- Explore Nicaragua's capital, where you can stroll around the streets by day and watch a volcano erupt by night: #5 San Cristobal de las Casas Tour -- A Mexican city founded in the 16th century that retains the charm of colonial towns and the vibrant life of modern cities: THANKS FOR WATCHING! ☺ Foto: José Duque CC @jduquetr
