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15 Reasons why Samsung A Series is better than M Series !!

Samsung galaxy A series and Samsung galaxy M series both are equally popular in the smartphone market but still there is a confusion of buying the A series or the M series in 2020. Samsung galaxy M series is targeting a very narrow audience and as M series is known for its battery and it is very budget friendly but as of Samsung galaxy A series is concerned it is way more costly and has almost the same specifications as the M series smartphones but still the cost of A series is higher than of M series even in 2020. There are a lot of reasons behind why Samsung galaxy A series is costly and why it is being sold all over the world in a very huge amount. As the M series is sold only in India or in some more regions but the A series is sold worldwide and is extremely successful than the M series smartphones. In this video, we’ll be finding out why the A series smartphones cost much higher than M series and why people still buy them in the first place. SHARE PLEASE If you liked the video consider subscribing 😊 -    / mrtechpedia   Follow me on : Instagram (@mrtechpedia) -   / mrtechpedia   Twitter (@mrtechpedia)-   / mrtechpedia   Music : Fing Beats Background clip :    • Rounded Neon Multicolored lines Anima...   Outro Track : Full track: La Fuente - Deep Down Inside Free download here: http://copyrightfreemusic.release.lin… For more Copyright free music subscribe to:
