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Скачать с ютуб Minecraft Relaxing Longplay - Rainy Spruce Cottage, Peaceful 1.18 Adventure (No Commentary) в хорошем качестве

Minecraft Relaxing Longplay - Rainy Spruce Cottage, Peaceful 1.18 Adventure (No Commentary) 2 года назад

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Minecraft Relaxing Longplay - Rainy Spruce Cottage, Peaceful 1.18 Adventure (No Commentary)

I stream everyday on Twitch at   / waxfraud   :D come chill with us anytime! Hello! Welcome to another Minecraft longplay with no commentary! I decided to record myself on a brand new Minecraft 1.18 seed, and see how things turned out! We built a new cozy spruce cottage in the rain! I hope you guys find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will be making a lot more of these to help everyone sleep, relax, and study! Follow me if you want to! - Twitch:   / waxfraud   - Twitter:   / waxfraud   - Instagram:   / waxfraud   - Discord: Support me on Patreon: - Merch: I use BSL shaders with Fabric when i record! seed = 5133291882869366177 #minecraft #longplay #minecraftlongplay
