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Скачать с ютуб ALGS Year 2 Split 2 Playoffs | Bracket Stage | Final Circles | Elevate, Team UNITE | Apex Legends в хорошем качестве

ALGS Year 2 Split 2 Playoffs | Bracket Stage | Final Circles | Elevate, Team UNITE | Apex Legends 1 год назад

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ALGS Year 2 Split 2 Playoffs | Bracket Stage | Final Circles | Elevate, Team UNITE | Apex Legends

Day 2 of the ALGS Year 2 Split 2 Playoffs showed the best teams in the world fighting to qualify to the Finals. There was high intensity action and lots of emotions as teams competed it to make it through to the next round. 00:00 - Starts G1 - 00:02 G2 - 02:00 G3 - 03:19 G4 - 04:01 G5 - 04:40 G6 - 06:05 G7 - 07:56 G8 - 09:19 G9 - 11:13 G10 - 13:21 G11 - 14:23 G12 - 15:19 G13 - 17:19 G14 - 19:02 G15 - 20:09 G16 - 21:33 G17 - 22:41 G18 - 24:30 Apex Legends Pro League: Sub: Twitter:   / playapexesports   #algs #apexlegends #apex
