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Moonchild - Cure (Official Video)

Moonchild - Cure (Official Video) Voyager' album: Click to subscribe to Tru Thoughts Records: Apple Music: “Cure” is the lead single from ‘Voyager’, the third album from the LA-based trio Moonchild - whose candid style of soul and new-school jazz has propelled them onto a swirling, emotionally charged journey of the heart. "Cure" has been met with upfront radio support from Gilles Peterson and Jamz Supernova, kind words from Soul Bounce & Saint Heron and was premiered via The Fader. The moment “Cure” unfurls, so do the sweltering, bluesy vocals of Amber Navran, whose soothing words provide comfort as they ask for trust. Written about falling for somebody who’s still getting over their ex, Navran’s vocals croon over a bed of soft synth and keyboard flourishes that were inspired by Stevie Wonder’s ‘70s era. The beat is swathed in a cool LA sound, whilst saccharine guitar strums, and a newly found love for sampling bird songs are captured in glittering refrains. Moonchild Online:    / @thisismoonchild     / thisismoonchild     / thisismoonchild     / thisismoonchild   Tru Thoughts Online:   / truthoughts     / tru_thoughts     / tru-thoughts     / tru_thoughts  
