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Apex Legends The Origin Story For Every Heirloom

Apex Legends The Origin Story For Every Heirloom Glytch Energy is now a sponsor of this channel! Use code "Omega" to save 25% off at checkout Check out my heirloom recolor concepts here:    • Apex Legends I Created Recolors For E...   Mirage phone call clip from S4MiDare:   / i_was_looting_a_cargo_bot_when_accidentall...   Caustic spider animation clip:   / secret_caustic_heirloom_animation_i_hate_s...   Which Heirloom story is your favorite? Hey guys and welcome back to another Apex Legends video! Today we are going to be talking about the lore for every heirloom in Apex. Some of the heirlooms such as the Kunai Knife for Wraith as well as Ravens Bite for Bloodhound have very obvious origin stories due to the Story From The Outlands series. Other heirlooms such as Mirage, Octane and Caustic are not as obvious but still have many small connections to the legends history. Heirlooms are also designed to be passed down by a family member, friend (or in Wraith's case herself). Not everything about these heirlooms have been revealed to us however I try my best to cover as many details regarding these heirlooms as possible. Drop a like if you enjoyed the video and thanks again for watching! Timestamps: 00:27 Wraith Heirloom 02:51 Bloodhound Heirloom 05:28 Octane Heirloom 06:57 Lifeline Heirloom 07:47 Mirage Heirloom 10:00 Pathfinder Heirloom 11:10 Caustic Heirloom 12:09 Gibraltar Heirloom
