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Скачать с ютуб Forever Knight Season 3 Blooper Gag Wrap Reel (with crew and a final goodbye shot from Last Knight) в хорошем качестве

Forever Knight Season 3 Blooper Gag Wrap Reel (with crew and a final goodbye shot from Last Knight) 1 месяц назад

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Forever Knight Season 3 Blooper Gag Wrap Reel (with crew and a final goodbye shot from Last Knight)

Forever Knight season 3 blooper reel including a lot of the crew and a final shot from Last Knight. This is a fun, hilarious look behind the scenes. You can tell how much the cast and crew adored each other. :-) I bought this rare bloopers VHS from ebay about 20 years ago and converted it to DVD. Most recently I attempted to upscale it to HD. I hope you all enjoy it! I'm working on the season 2 blooper reel next, but sadly the quality is very poor on that one. Enjoy and long live the Knight! Kristin
