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EggyPops | Season 2 - All Episodes - Funny Cartoons 3 года назад

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EggyPops | Season 2 - All Episodes - Funny Cartoons

All episodes from Eggy Pops Season 2 in a single video! Eggy Pops is funny cartoon adventures of 5 egg friends; Peggy, Aleggs, Meggy, Zeggy and Eggmo. And at the end of every story, they love to pop into sunny side-ups! Eggy Pops are: Zeggy... The prankster member of the gang! He loves making jokes and he is a little naughty! Meggy... The charming and bossy member of the gang! She loves to sing and has a talent for it! Eggmo... The organic member of the gang! He is eco-friendly and a little bit shy. Peggy... The cutest and youngest member of the gang. She loves balloons and she is a flurry of excitement! Aleggs… The biggest member of the gang! He loves music and has a sensitive character. © 2020 Rafa Film A.Ş. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır – all rights reserved.
