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How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year

Billions of people around the world are ringing in the Lunar New Year. 2022 is set to be the 'Year of the Tiger'. MORE INSIDER VIDEOS: How This Village Makes 50,000 Incense Sticks A Day For Lunar New Year | Big Business    • How This Village Makes 50,000 Incense...   Watch Wild Elephants Roam Through City Streets In China    • Watch Wild Elephants Roam Through Cit...   How Royal Baby Traditions Have Evolved From Queen Elizabeth To Lilibet Diana | Decoded    • How Royal Baby Traditions Have Evolve...   ------------------------------------------------------ #InsiderNews #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheTiger Insider's mission is to inform and inspire. Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: Insider on Facebook:   / insider   Insider on Twitter:   / insidernews   Insider on Instagram:   / insider   Insider News on Snapchat:   / 5185974304   Insider on TikTok:   / insider   How The World Celebrates Lunar New Year
