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Sick Day Song + 60 Minutes of Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes by Little World 1 год назад

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Sick Day Song + 60 Minutes of Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes by Little World

Dad is sick and Mom is taking care of him. Nina and Nico decide to take care of their own patient (A stuffie) and imitate everything that Mom is doing to take care of Dad. #littleworldnurseryrhymes #learningsongs #kidssongs (🔔) Subscribe To Little World Adventures ►► Lyrics: Daddy, daddy Daddy, daddy Are you sick? Yes I am Yes I am I feel sick Teddy, teddy Teddy, teddy Are you sick? Yes I am Yes I am I feel sick Honey, honey Honey, honey Drink some tea Yes I will Yes I will Drink some tea Teddy, teddy Teddy, teddy Drink some tea Yes I will Yes I will Drink some tea Honey, honey Honey, honey Are you warm? Yes I am Yes I am I’m too warm! Teddy, teddy Teddy, teddy Are you warm? Yes I am Yes I am I’m too warm! Honey, honey Honey, honey Have some ice! Much better Much better That feels nice Teddy, teddy Teddy, teddy Have some ice! Much better Much better That feels nice Daddy, daddy Daddy, daddy How are you? I feel great I feel great Thanks to you! Teddy, teddy Teddy, teddy How are you? I feel great I feel great Thanks to you! Listen To Other Little World Songs: Doctor Checkup + More ►►    • Doctor Check Up Song + More Little Wo...   No No Play Safe + More ►►    • No No Play Safe + More Kids Songs & N...   Fireman, Policeman and Doctor ►►    • Doctor, Police And Fireman With Nina ...   Wheels On The Ambulance ►►    • Wheels On The Ambulance | Boo Boo Son...   Listen To Our Popular Playlist: Good Manners and Good Habits ►► #littleworldkidsvideos #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading, and writing skills. Moonbug Entertainment, inc. All Rights Reserved 00:00 Daddy is sick 02:28 Visiting the Dentist 05:31 No More Snacks (Eat Healthy) 08:46 Learning to Swim 12:21 Halloween Costume Contest 15:49 Five Little Ducks 18:35 Going to the Waterpark 21:45 Ram Sam Sam 24:02 Muffing Man 26:07 Brush your Teeth 29:07 Balloons Song 32:55 Monster in the Dark 36:00 Seatbelt Song 39:38 10 in the Bed 43:08 10 Babies on the Slide 46:57 Dinosaur Dance 50:00 Supermarket 51:32 Hot and Cold 52:26 Be Kind to Each Other 55:37 Happy and You Know it
