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The Speed And Power Of Nigel Benn

Appropriately named "The Dark Destroyer" by the time Nigel Benn had hung up his gloves in 1996, the big-hitting Brit had amassed an impressive forty-two wins inside his ten-year-long career, with an eye-watering thirty-five wins coming by way of knockout. The enthralling all-action British banger captured the heart of millions with his ferocious fast-paced fighting style and explosive one-punch knockout finishes. Collecting two world title belts from his forty-eight fight career, "The Dark Destroyer" has rightfully earned his place as one of Britain's greatest boxers. After almost twenty-seven years since his last professional bout, we take a look back at the speed and power of British boxing legend Nigel Benn. Although our channel relies on fair use, all our work is completely trans-formative, and educational and we provide a new narrative to all our videos.
