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Скачать с ютуб りお | Apex: Revelry Wrapped в хорошем качестве

りお | Apex: Revelry Wrapped 11 месяцев назад

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りお | Apex: Revelry Wrapped

dropped in and became legendary ~ Links ▼ Twitter:   / mizukirio_   TikTok:   / rio_o.o_o   Instagram:   / mizukirio_o.o   Rules ▼ ✨ Be nice and respectful to each other ✨ No fighting, arguing or causing any drama ✨ Any forms of hate and discrimination are not welcome at all ✨ No spamming, doxing and trolling (if this happens, please report, block and ignore) Doxingとは:個人情報、または公開すべからずの情報をバレないようにコメントをしないでください ✨ Please do not ask me to say things/do things. It’s very off putting :( ✨ Keep comments relevant to the stream ✨ As long as rules are followed, feel free to use any language (but let’s try and keep it to English/Japanese or the language of the stream) ✨ No spoilers please! Unless I ask kindly ✨ Please refrain from "OO is live too!" or "OO said this" type of comments here and on other streamers/vtubers streams. It's very disrespectful so let's avoid doing so! Music ▼ BGMer: Stream Cafe:    / @streamcafemusic   Tags ▼ #apex #apexlegends #エーペックスレジェンズ 🥀 live: #nowRIOing 😈 clips: #りおプレーバック 💫 art: #りお色 🥀 thumbnail: #りおサムネ (potential use as thumbnail・活動に使う可能性あり) 😈 nsfw: #絵りおラ #ENVTuber #新人vtuber
