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Why fans are threatening to boycott HYBE after HYBE's new business plans were announced 2 года назад

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Why fans are threatening to boycott HYBE after HYBE's new business plans were announced

※ English CC Available! 오늘 알아볼 이야기는 Today's video is about 이번 새로운 신사업 소개를 한 the new business plans 하이브의 이야기인데요 introduced by HYBE. 그러나 왜 팬들은 화가 났고 Watch the video to find out 위버스 불매 운동이 일어나고 있는지 알아보았습니다 why fans got angry and why they're threatening to boycott HYBE. #하이브 #HYBE #BTS [Link to Doyouram's New Chatroom (Discord)] ●   / discord   - Follow this link to join the chatroom. You can give us feedback on our videos and hang out with Kpop fans all around the world! [두유람 오픈채팅방 링크 (카카오톡)] ● - 두유람 오픈채팅방에서 전세계 Kpop 팬들과 함께 영상에 대한 피드백을 자유롭게 남겨주세요!
