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Скачать с ютуб King Crimson - Moonchild (Including "The Dream" And "The Illusion") в хорошем качестве

King Crimson - Moonchild (Including "The Dream" And "The Illusion") 3 года назад

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King Crimson - Moonchild (Including "The Dream" And "The Illusion")

MOONCHILD including THE DREAM and THE ILLUSION (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield) Call her moonchild Dancing in the shallows of a river Lovely moonchild Dreaming in the shadow of the willow. Talking to the trees of the cobweb strange Sleeping on the steps of a fountain Waving silver wands to the night-birds song Waiting for the sun on the mountain. She's a moonchild Gathering the flowers in a garden. Lovely moonchild Drifting on the echoes of the hours. Sailing on the wind in a milk white gown Dropping circle stones on a sun dial Playing hide and seek with the ghosts of dawn Waiting for a smile from a sun child. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Fripp–guitar Ian McDonald–reeds, woodwind, vibes, keyboards, mellotron, vocals Greg Lake–bass guitar, lead vocals Michael Giles–drums, percussion, vocals Peter Sinfield–words and illumination Cover by Barry Godber Equipment by Vick and Dik Recorded at Wessex Sound Studios, London Engineer: Robin Thompson Assistant Engineer: Tony Page Produced by King Crimson for EG Productions, ‘David & John’ #InTheCourtOfTheCrimsonKing #KingCrimson #RobertFripp
