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Holidaymakers pack Shanghai railway station as Lunar New Year travel rush gets under way in China 2 года назад

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Holidaymakers pack Shanghai railway station as Lunar New Year travel rush gets under way in China

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: Crowds of travellers packed Shanghai’s Hongqiao railway station to travel home in time for the Lunar New Year celebration, which starts on February 1, 2022. The festival is celebrated across China with family reunions and dinners and typically brings the biggest annual human migration on Earth. But until this year many passengers have not been allowed to return home in the last two years during the pandemic. This time despite recent coronavirus outbreaks in several Chinese cities, Beijing has ordered local governments to ease restrictions on holiday travel for family reunions. Support us: Follow us on: Website: Facebook:   / scmp   Twitter:   / scmpnews   Instagram:   / scmpnews   Linkedin:   / south-china-morning-post   #scmp #China #LunarNewYear
