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Bloody Nose VideoSong - Jack Conte 14 лет назад

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Bloody Nose VideoSong - Jack Conte

Download My NEW EP:   / jackconte   This song is in My Big Package: 26 songs for $20! Buy this song on iTunes: or buy this song in your choice of digital formats direct from me!   / jackcontemusic     / jackconte   Bloody Nose is a VideoSong, a new medium with 2 rules: 1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice). 2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds). Bloody Nose, by Jack Conte Lyrics: Count your bones one by one. Lie awake at night. Underground, boxed and glum, left you there for rot. All my fears are overgrown, will someone burn this grove? Those August nights.... They burn hot as hell, and you wake up sweating dreams. It casts a spell. Welcome home! It's been a while. Do you miss your head, with your tattered clothes and your bloody nose? Aren't you glad to be rid of the smell? Not at all? Not at all! I'll miss the fog through headlight wash and bed and breath and touch, but I'll brave it out! Yeah, I'll brave it out! There's no use getting down.
