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Скачать с ютуб Mykolaiv 12:25 PM 24 March / в хорошем качестве

Mykolaiv 12:25 PM 24 March / 2 года назад

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Mykolaiv 12:25 PM 24 March /

In the first week, the enemy reached Voznesensk. Now the fighting is already taking place on the border with the Kherson region. Difficult but successful. Today, our military shot down one aircraft and one cruise missile. Many requests not to cancel the temperance. I note that at the same time, no one cancels the curfew and does not cancel the harsh punishment for drunkenness. This is necessary in order for the business to start working. If we get a bad result over the weekend, we will bring back the ban on the sale of alcohol. Regarding the delivery of products. Contact any local authorities. Now we are setting up logistics, we will bring everything and everywhere. Restoration work is underway on electricity and gas. There is a shortage of specialists. If you can to help, then we invite everyone to help restore our region.
