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Скачать с ютуб Lecrae - I'll Find You (Lyric Video) ft. Tori Kelly в хорошем качестве

Lecrae - I'll Find You (Lyric Video) ft. Tori Kelly 6 лет назад

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Lecrae - I'll Find You (Lyric Video) ft. Tori Kelly

"Life is a precious gift. A gift we often take for granted until it is threatened. Pain can be a haunting reminder to appreciate every waking moment. So we wrote a song to share our hope in the midst of that pain. At the time of this song's composition, some of our loved ones were battling cancer. We wanted to encourage them to hold on and tell them we are here waiting, hoping, praying, and fighting with them. Some have been released from their pain forever, others are still fighting. Hold on..." Get "I'll Find You" featuring Tori Kelly when your purchase Lecrae's new album 'All Things Work Together' available here: Follow Lecrae: Site: Twitter:   / lecrae   Facebook:   / lecrae   Instagram:   / lecrae   Follow Tori Kelly: Site: Tiwtter:   / torikelly   Facebook:   / torikellymusic   Instagram:   / torikelly  
