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Скачать с ютуб "We have to find a two-state solution.” | S. Jaishankar On Israel-Hamas Conflict | Malaysia в хорошем качестве

"We have to find a two-state solution.” | S. Jaishankar On Israel-Hamas Conflict | Malaysia Трансляция закончилась 1 месяц назад

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"We have to find a two-state solution.” | S. Jaishankar On Israel-Hamas Conflict | Malaysia

#sjaishankar #Malaysia #israelhamasconflict At an interaction with the Indian community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar spoke on the Hamas attack and the subsequent Israeli bombardment of Gaza which has killed over 32,000 Gazans, majority of which are civilian women and children. "Although the October 7 attack was definitely an act of terrorism, there remains the underlying issue of the rights of the Palestinians and the fact that they have been denied their homeland.”, said Jaishankar. Subscribe to us for more updates: Follow us on Twitter:   / themojostory   Like us on Facebook:   / themojostory   Instagram:   /   For more videos:    / @mojostory   Disclaimer: The views of guests who appear on Mojo Story, as well as the views of interviewees or speeches by public figures or those in the news, are their personal opinions. At no point do they reflect the views of the organization.
