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Скачать с ютуб SOUL MUSIC-- chill r&b/soul - playlist в хорошем качестве

SOUL MUSIC-- chill r&b/soul - playlist 1 год назад

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SOUL MUSIC-- chill r&b/soul - playlist

🖐 Welcome to my chanel:    / @soul-on-   ✨ Listen more on Spotify: 💌 Release music label: [email protected] Thanks for pictures from the artist:   / andrepereiraart   _____________ SOUL MUSIC-- Relaxing soul music - The best soul music compilation #soul #soulmusic #soulplaylist #soulrelaxing Track List: 00:00 A Million Signs - Vividry 07:06 Grow - Gloria Tells 10:12 Free This Feeling - Spring Gang 13:28 Made Up My Mind - Vividry 16:53 Sigh - Chase Hughes 20:14 All the Freedom You Need - Terin Ector 22:47 Stay in the Moment - Tyra Chantey 26:20 What We Got - Terin Ector 30:31 Midnight Lover - SOOP 33:38 Goodbye So Long - Spring Gang 36:51 Imagine Us There - Spring Gang 40:02 Pass Me - Vividry 42:15 The Only One - Lionel Quick 45:39 Sing it to you - L.M.Styles 48:57 Be Free - Sylvia Peyton 52:52 I Miss You Fierce - Terin Ector 56:03 You'll Be Fine - Spring Gang 59:21 Give In To Me - Gloria Tells ...... 📷 the image used in : Art by @andrepereiraart :   / andrepereiraart   💖 Thanks for watching! Please LIKE and SHARE this video, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel. 🎵 All songs at 'Soul On ' are properly licensed and protected. They cannot be used out of this channel nor as BGM for 3rd parties' content.
