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Скачать с ютуб A Zombie Apocalypse in YOUR Hometown?! - Infection Free Zone в хорошем качестве

A Zombie Apocalypse in YOUR Hometown?! - Infection Free Zone 1 месяц назад

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A Zombie Apocalypse in YOUR Hometown?! - Infection Free Zone

In Infection Free Zone, you can play in any real city or neighborhood in the world! Choose your base of operations, then rebuild and readapt the buildings around you to create a self-sustaining settlement. Take charge of a group of survivors from your city. And when the night falls - Defend the zone from the infected! Steam Link! ► If you enjoyed this video, consider hitting the Like button! It helps the channel grow by affecting search results on YouTube. Subscribe Today! ► Join the fan Discord channel! ►   / discord   Support me on Patreon! ►   / pravusgaming   Follow me on Twitter! ► Reddit page for memes! ►   / pravusfanclub   Check out the merch! ► Support the channel by buying games! ► No copyright infringement intended. Infection Free Zone copyright is owned by their respective owners which includes but is not limited to Jutsu Games and Games Operators. I did not make the game (or assets) and do not claim to. I do claim recording the video and audio associated with this playthrough. Music credit: "Ecstatic Adventure" by Xack Provided by Epidemic Sound ( #infectionfreezone #zombiesurvival #basebuilding #earlyaccess
