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Скачать с ютуб This Is Why I UNLOCKED Ramparts Heirloom . . . (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay) в хорошем качестве

This Is Why I UNLOCKED Ramparts Heirloom . . . (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay) 9 месяцев назад

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This Is Why I UNLOCKED Ramparts Heirloom . . . (Xbox Series X Apex Legends Gameplay)

Ramparts Heirloom is completely underrated, in my opinion. When it came out I didn't like it at all, and I didn't like her as a character at all either. But now that Rampart is actually a viable legend, and her heirloom has grown on me, I decided to unlock it. The sound design and animations are top notch and it completely transforms the way it feels to play Rampart, like an heirloom should. Anyway, after soloing with her for a while I finally got a good game. Hope you enjoy! #apexlegends #apexconsole #apexheirloom Clips 00:00 Intro 00:45 Game 1 01:52 Game 2 06:41
