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The Crush (1993) Alicia Silverstone, Cary Elwes - Official Trailer (HD) 7 лет назад

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The Crush (1993) Alicia Silverstone, Cary Elwes - Official Trailer (HD)

CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE: Follow us on TWITTER:   / scream_factory   Follow us on FACEBOOK: A man who should know better. A much younger teenager. No way should there be any kind of romance between them. Yet from the moment 14-year-old Adrian met Nick, she was crazy about him. There must be something she can say or do... some way that she can show him this is not just a crush. What can she do? What won't she do? Romantic obsession has harrowing consequences in The Crush, a suspense thriller starring Cary Elwes (Saw, The Princess Bride), Jennifer Rubin (Bad Dreams, Screamers) and Alicia Silverstone (Clueless, The Babysitter) in her breakthrough role. Elwes plays Nick, at first flattered by Adrian's flirtation, then gripped with outright fear... because what Adrian wants, Adrian gets. If she can't have her Mr. Right, no one can. Buy here: Scream Factory™ is a DVD, Blu-ray and Digital brand created to focus on notable (and underrated) horror, sci-fi, thriller films from the past that have massive cult followings. The Scream Factory brand also includes recent contemporary genre films released and distributed in the US and international territories.
