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Husky dog sings me songs and poops on my table 2 года назад

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Husky dog sings me songs and poops on my table

Appreciate the tip Fredo. Follow Fredo on Instagram: All Girl With The Dogs products (including bandana) are available now! Website: Do you want your pet featured on our channel? Purchase one of our Girl With The Dogs bandanas or frisbee, take a picture of your pet modelling it, and send it to [email protected]. Your pet could be featured as our 'pet of the day' at the end of one of our videos. Paypal: BIG THINGS ARE COMING WHEN WE HIT 1 MILLION SUBS! Thank you all so much for your support. As we continue to grow, we will be able to help more rescue pets. Please go back to old videos and like, comment, and SHARE! • Breed specific product recommendations:
