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Скачать с ютуб Paul McCartney - New в хорошем качестве

Paul McCartney - New 10 лет назад

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Paul McCartney - New

"New" Don't look at me It's way too soon to see What's gonna be Don't look at me All my life I never knew What I could be, what I could do Then we were new. You came along And made my life a song One lucky day You came along. Just in time Well I was searching for a rock You came along Then we were new. [Chorus:] We can do what we want, We can live as we choose. You see there's no guarantee, We got nothing to lose. Don't look at me, I can't deny the truth It's plain to see Don't look at me All my life I never knew What I could be, what I could do Then we were new. [Chorus] Don't look at me It's way too soon to see What's gonna be Don't look at me All my life I never knew What I could be, what I could do Then we were new. Then we were new. Now we are new.
