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Storage Wars: Top 6 Bidding Wars | A&E

Check out some of the most intense bidding moments from across the series in "Top 6 Bidding Wars". #StorageWars Subscribe for more from Storage Wars and other great A&E shows: Enjoy more Storage Wars on YouTube: Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: Like the official Storage Wars Facebook page:   / storagewars   Check out exclusive A&E content: Website - Facebook -   / aetv   Twitter -   / aetv   Packed with dramatic bidding, intense rivalries and quirky personalities, "Storage Wars" follows treasure hunters Darrell, Brandon, Jarrod, and Brandi as they seek to score big in the high-stakes world of storage auctions. A&E leads the cultural conversation through high-quality, thought provoking original programming with a unique point of view. Whether it’s the network’s distinctive brand of award-winning disruptive reality or groundbreaking documentary, A&E makes entertainment an art form. Visit us at for more info.
