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We Bought A James May Spec Evo VIII!

A new DriveTribe project car is born! The James May spec Mitsubishi Evo VIII FQ-300! After Martin the Subaru from the Grand Tour took the channel by storm last year, we've decided to bring a fellow super saloon legend to the channel to take on the might WRX STI. Let Mike Fernie introduce you to our new project car. Check out a tracker for your car here:   / drivetribe     / drivetribe     / drivetribe     / drivetrb   Subscribe for more DriveTribe content :    / @drivetribe   👇 FOR MORE CONTENT CHECK OUT OUR OTHER CHANNELS 👇    / @whatnextvids      / @moredrivetribe   Buy your DriveTribe Live 2024 event tickets 👉 Official Channel Partners Gtechniq - Liqui-Moly - Lanoguard - Adrian Flux - Ineedatracker - Carly - 00:00 Welcome to our Evo 8! 01:26 What happened to James May's Evo? 02:09 What is an Evo 8? 04:13 What's the plan with our Evo? 07:53 How much power is our car running? 10:06 What is special about the 4G63 engine? 11:30 Smallest Cog inspection
