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Paul The Magician 2 месяца назад

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Paul The Magician

The Brand Magician is a fast paced, mind blowing magic and mind reading act that is customised to you. The Brand Magician allows for you to book a magician for your event but as standard receive mind blowing branded magic that is bespoke to your company. This means that meaningful magic with logical presentations are performed highlighting your companies USP's as well as your branding. To achieve this we put a fun, unique and engaging spin on classic magic tricks and illusion with technology. This is perfect for a whole host of events including: Corporate drinks receptions and dinners PR events/projects Product launches VIP events Award nights Networking events Trade shows And more... As standard you will receive customisation at your event. Other levels of customisation are also available depending on your individual event requirements. This can involve creating magic tricks with your own particular items or product! Welcome to The Brand Magician
