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Angry Birds | Piggy Tales | All Episodes Mashup - Season 1

All episodes from Angry Birds Piggy Tales Season 1 in a single video! Follow the everyday lives of the mischievous minion pigs, who solve their problems with their limited wisdom! Piggy Tales gives you a glimpse into the lives of our favourite green pigs, in a way you've never seen before. #AngryBirds #PiggyTales #Compilations #FullEpisodes #GreenPigs #Mashups ★ SUBSCRIBE to Angry Birds Channel and never miss a thing: ▶︎ FOLLOW Angry Birds on: Facebook:   / angrybirds   Instagram:   / angrybirdsofficial   Twitter:   / angrybirds   ▶︎ PLAY Angry Birds: ▶︎ READ the blog:
