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Apex Legends New Legend Alter: Abilities & Gameplay (WE WERE WRONG!?)

Apex Legends New Legend Alter: Abilities & Gameplay as Apex Legends insider shared this week what's supposedly a first look at Alter, the character said to be the next Legend in the game. Alongside the first look at that Legend, we've also gotten a preview of what their abilities will look like.Broadly, Alter's leaked abilities make them look like a mix of Loba, Wraith, and old Revenant prior to his rework from two seasons ago. Alter's Passive lets them pull from a deathbox like Loba's Ultimate does, though it's unclear if there's a cooldown on this that would prevent Alter from looting one item from tons of different deathboxes in an area. The Tactical sounds like an escape or flank tool, though it's again unclear what its limitations would be in terms of how far through a surface it can go. *Giveaway winner announced at end of video, Direct Message on Twitter @thordansmash to claim prize if you are a winner! Comments picked From Daily Main Video and Shorts Comments Combined through history of channel so stay tuned to see if you win in the future!* #apexlegendsnews #apexlegendssnewlegend #apexlegendsnewseason
