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#TheyLoveRich #GoldDiggerPrank Featuring IG: meeegustaaa_ Watch the full video to see the results... AYE RICH GANG SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON SO YOUTUBE CAN PUSH THE VIDEO THANKS! In this hilarious gold digger prank part 8, TheyLoveRich pulls off some epic pranks on unsuspecting gold diggers. Watch as they expose these people for who they truly are! Don't miss this entertaining and eye-opening video! This video will have you laughing and rethinking your stereotypes. Join us as we spread positivity and challenge societal norms in this epic gold digger prank edition! Instagram ▶️ | IAMBABYGOAT TikTok | TheyLoveRich SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON FAMILY!! 💬 Did you enjoy this video? Let us know in the comments below! 💥 Welcome to the official YouTube channel for TheyLoveRich 💥
