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Lifeline 十萬火急 (1996) **Official Trailer** by Shaw Brothers

Title: Lifeline 十萬火急 Year: 1996 Director: Johnnie To 杜琪峰 Casts: Lau Ching-wan 劉青雲, Alex Fong 方中信, Carmen Lee 李若彤 A heroic tale on firefighters, with a touch on the Hong Kong handover at its underlying theme, Lifeline vividly captures the ferociousness of firestorm and places the audience at the hot spot. It also delves into the fireman's psyche: These audacious firefighters can march into disaster and risk their lives by saving others, yet would they have the equivalent courage to tackle their personal issues? The story revolves around a dutiful yet indifferent fireman (Lau Ching-wan) who strives to win back his valor and love against his strict superior (Alex Fong) and his doctor girlfriend (Carman Lee) respectively.
