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Top Three Funniest America's Got Talent Magicians EVER!

Watch the top three funniest America's Got Talent magicians WOW the judges and make them cry with laughter! Featuring: 00:00 - Piff The Magic Dragon - America's Got Talent 2019 05:43 - Piff The Magic Dragon - America's Got Talent 2020 09:44 - Mandy Muden - America's Got Talent 2023 16:19 - Mandy Muden - America's Got Talent Qualifiers 2023 23:28 - Keiichi Iwasaki - America's Got Talent All Stars 2023 Watch MORE Magician's Got Talent:    / @magiciansgottalent   ▶︎ Facebook:   / magiciansgottalent   Magicians Got Talent brings together the very best magic and illusions worldwide talent, creating a central hub for fans of the show to keep up to date with the other sensational performances from around the world.
