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This Is How To Tell When A Market Rotation Is Happening | Investing With IBD 1 месяц назад

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This Is How To Tell When A Market Rotation Is Happening | Investing With IBD

It’s less about a market slump and more about a change in market leadership. David Keller, Chief Market Strategist at, joins Investor’s Business Daily’s “Investing with IBD” podcast to talk about how to think about sector rotation, growth and value stocks, and how the market is reacting to the Fed’s recent comments. He ends with a discussion of the surprising strengths in Duolingo (DUOL), chemical company Dow (DOW), and Airbnb (ABNB). New to trading? Check out our daily newsletter! Get more IBD by subscribing to our channel:    / Канал   Visit our website: Like us on Facebook:   / investorsbusinessdaily   Follow us on Twitter:   / ibdinvestors   Follow us on Instagram:   / investorsbusinessdaily   Follow us on StockTwits: Follow us on LinkedIn:   / investors-business-daily   Follow us on TikTok:   / ibdinvestors   Investor’s Business Daily has been helping people invest smarter results by providing exclusive stock lists, investing data, stock market research, education and the latest financial and business news to help investors make more money in the stock market. #InvestorsBusinessDaily #IBD
